Fear of God Vs. Fear Of Man | Pastor Nate Keeler
Fear has a way of taking over our thoughts and making us feel small. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, or even death, it can paralyze us. But what if we didn’t have to face fear alone? What if someone stood between us and our biggest challenges, fighting on our behalf? That’s exactly what Jesus does as our ultimate champion. Just like David fought Goliath on behalf of the Israelite army, Jesus has defeated sin, death, and every fear we’ll ever face.
David and Goliath: A Story About More Than Courage
The story of David and Goliath is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. Many see it as a lesson in bravery and perseverance, but the story is much deeper. To understand its full meaning, we need to ask two questions:
- Who are we in the story?
- Who is our champion?
Most of us want to see ourselves as David, courageously taking on life’s battles. But if we’re honest, we’re more like the Israelite army—afraid, overwhelmed, and unsure of what to do. Goliath seemed unstoppable, and no one was willing to step forward. That’s when David entered as their champion.
A champion in ancient warfare represented the entire group. If the champion won, everyone won. If he lost, everyone lost. David’s victory wasn’t just his; it belonged to the whole army. His courage gave them the strength to defeat the Philistines.
The story points to something bigger. Just as David stepped in to defeat Goliath, Jesus steps in for us. He is our ultimate champion, fighting battles we can’t win on our own.
The Giants We Face Today
Goliath was a physical giant, but the giants we face today often aren’t. They show up as:
- The fear of failure: “What if I’m not good enough?”
- The fear of being seen: “What if people know the real me?”
- The fear of death: “What happens after this life?”
These fears can feel overwhelming. They’re fueled by lies from the enemy, who wants us to forget that Jesus has already won the ultimate victory. The Bible calls Satan the accuser, constantly reminding us of our flaws. But we don’t have to listen. Jesus has already defeated Satan, along with every fear tied to sin and death.
Fixing Our Eyes on the True Champion
Hebrews 12:2 tells us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” In Greek, the word “author” can also mean “champion.” Jesus isn’t just an example to follow; He’s the one who fights for us.
David defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone, but Jesus defeated sin and death by humbling Himself to die on a cross. His resurrection is proof that the battle is over. Sin and death no longer have the final say. When we trust in Jesus, His victory becomes ours.
Courage Rooted in Joy
True courage isn’t about never feeling afraid. It’s about having hope and joy even in the face of fear. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus endured the cross “for the joy set before Him.” What was that joy? It was the promise of reconciling us to God and defeating sin and death once and for all.
Because of Jesus, we can face fear differently. Our circumstances might not change, but our perspective can. When we remember that Jesus has already won, we find strength to keep going, even when things feel uncertain.
Three Common Responses to Fear
When faced with fear, people typically respond in one of three ways:
- Looking to False Champions
Many people place their trust in things like money, success, or even their own abilities. These “giants” may seem strong, but like Goliath, they ultimately fail. None of them can save us when it matters most. - Relying on Ourselves
Others believe they can fight their own battles through willpower or inner strength. But just like the Israelites couldn’t defeat Goliath on their own, we can’t defeat sin or death by ourselves. - Trusting the True Champion
The third option is to look to Jesus. He’s already fought and won the battle for us. His victory becomes ours when we place our trust in Him. This doesn’t mean life will be easy, but it does mean we can face our fears knowing the outcome is secure.
Living with Courage Every Day
So how do we live courageously in light of Jesus’ victory? It starts with fixing our eyes on Him. When fear creeps in, we don’t have to fight it alone. We can remind ourselves of the truth found in Romans 8:38-39: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers… will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Jesus’ love is unshakable. His victory is final. Because of this, we can face anything with confidence.
Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Faith
- Spend Time in Scripture
The Bible reminds us of God’s promises. Verses like Romans 8:28 (“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him”) can bring peace when fear feels overwhelming. - Pray with Honesty
Tell God about your fears. Ask Him for courage and remind yourself that He is your champion. - Lean on Community
Don’t face fear alone. Surround yourself with people who will remind you of God’s truth and encourage you to keep trusting Him. - Remember Past Victories
Think about times when God has been faithful. His past faithfulness is a promise of future faithfulness.
Victory Through Jesus
Courage doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear. It means knowing that fear doesn’t get the last word. Jesus’ victory over sin and death guarantees that no matter what we face, we are never alone.
Even in the face of death, we have hope. For believers, death is not the end—it’s the beginning of eternity with God. As Paul writes in Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Who’s Your Champion?
If you’re relying on anything other than Jesus to face life’s challenges, it’s time to make a change. Nothing else can stand against sin, death, or fear. Only Jesus can. He is the champion who fights for you, who loves you, and who will never leave you. So who’s your champion? If it’s Jesus, you can live with unshakable courage and hope. Fix your eyes on Him and let His victory give you the strength to face every fear with confidence.