
May-June 2024 Recommendations

Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible

By: Rabbi Jonathon Sacks

The Jewish Bible is an encounter between past and present, moment and eternity. This collection of biblical commentaries explores these intersections as they relate to universal concerns of freedom, love, responsibility, identity and destiny.

Image of the cover of the book Covenant and Conversation A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible By Rabbi Jonathon Sacks.

God of Covenant: A Study of Genesis 12-50

By: Jen Wilkins

Beginning with Genesis 12, walk alongside the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—to discern Jesus in the stories of His people. Over 10 sessions, discover how God orchestrates everything for His glory and the good of His people, and see how the God of creation and covenant is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Image of the book cover God of covenant by jen wilkins.

Do Not Be True to Yourself

By: Kevin DeYoung

In this collection of inspiring sermons and graduation speeches, Kevin DeYoung delivers a motivational, biblical call to young people: serve God faithfully―and if necessary, counterculturally―in the next season of your life. Do Not Be True to Yourself includes practical advice for cultivating a Christ-centered worldview in every area of adult life, including relationships, work, church participation, and spiritual growth, making it a transformational resource for mentoring students.

Image of the book cover do not be true to yourself by kevin deyoung.

Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work 

By: Timothy Keller

With deep conviction and often surprising advice, Keller shows readers that biblical wisdom is immensely relevant to our questions about work today. In fact, the Christian view of work—that we work to serve others, not ourselves—can provide the foundation of a thriving professional and balanced personal life. Keller shows how excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity, and passion in the workplace can help others and even be considered acts of worship—not just of self-interest.

Image of book cover: every good endeavor by Timothy keller.

Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves

By: Trillia J. Newbell

We will never be short on fears. Failure, rejection, sickness, losing a loved one, being alone—the fears we carry are many and heavy. Fear can paralyze our spirit, damage our relationships, and hinder our faith. Newbell is no stranger to fear. She has known its harsh grip on her life, but she has also known the gentle hand of God, a peace and a faith from the One who conquers fears. Newbell will encourage you as she reflects on Scripture and her own story.

cover of the book: fear and faith by: trillia newbell.

The Cost of Discipleship

By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

What can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the laborer, or the aristocrat? What did Jesus mean to say to us? What is his will for us today? Drawing on the Sermon on the Mount, Dietrich Bonhoeffer answers these timeless questions by providing a seminal reading of the dichotomy between “cheap grace” and “costly grace.”

Image of the cover of the book the cost of discipleship by dietrich bonhoeffer.