
Are You Really Saved? What Jonah 2 Reveals About Salvation

If God has called us to share the Gospel, we need to be clear about what salvation really is. Many say things like, “Just ask Jesus into your heart,” but what does that actually mean?
Jonah 2 gives us a blueprint for salvation that applies to everyone—regardless of background or past mistakes. As Jonah sat in the belly of the fish, he prayed a desperate prayer that outlines four key realities about salvation. Let’s walk through them together.

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Breaking Free From Jealousy’s Grip

Have you ever found yourself resenting someone else’s success? Maybe it’s a coworker who gets a promotion you wanted, a friend whose life seems perfect, or someone in church who gets all the recognition. You might not say it out loud, but deep down, you feel a sting of jealousy.
Most people think jealousy is just an unfortunate emotion. But the truth is, jealousy is far more dangerous than we realize. It isn’t just a feeling—it’s a symptom of a deeper heart issue.

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Who’s Your Champion? Facing Fear With Faith And Courage

Fear has a way of taking over our thoughts and making us feel small. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, or even death, it can paralyze us. But what if we didn’t have to face fear alone? What if someone stood between us and our biggest challenges, fighting on our behalf? That’s exactly what Jesus does as our ultimate champion. Just like David fought Goliath on behalf of the Israelite army, Jesus has defeated sin, death, and every fear we’ll ever face.

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The Power Of God’s Voice: Overcoming The Lies That Hold You Back

Words have power. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It’s catchy, but it’s a lie. Words can hurt more deeply and last longer than physical wounds. Rejection, ridicule, or belittlement leaves scars that influence our beliefs about ourselves and our actions for years.

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The Heart God Seeks: Cultivating Humility In A World Focused On Externals

In a world where appearances often overshadow substance, it’s easy to focus on externals. Social media highlights beauty, achievements, and popularity, making it tempting to measure ourselves and others by these standards. But God’s view is different. He looks at the heart, valuing humility over status or skill. David’s life offers a roadmap for understanding the kind of heart God desires.

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Why The Ultimate Joy Of Christmas Isn’t Found Under The Tree

At Christmas, the world buzzes with excitement. Gifts pile under trees, lights twinkle on every street, and families gather for meals and celebration. But beyond these moments lies a deeper truth. Ultimate joy isn’t something wrapped in shiny paper or delivered by courier. It’s a gift from God, offered freely through Jesus Christ. This Christmas, as you celebrate with loved ones, reflect on the profound invitation to experience a joy that lasts forever.

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Is Jesus Really King In Your Life? How To Respond With Faith And Surrender

Throughout history, no king has ever ruled the entire earth. Yet the Bible speaks of a coming King whose reign will extend “from sea to sea” (Zechariah 9:10). This King is Jesus. His reign was foretold in Micah 5:2-4, which describes a ruler from Bethlehem whose greatness will reach “to the ends of the earth.”

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Why Only Jesus Can Be Your True Shepherd

Have you ever felt lost or unsure where life is taking you? It’s easy to follow the wrong paths in search of meaning or fulfillment. But what if the guidance you need has been there all along? Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd, offering to lead, protect, and restore His people. Understanding what this means can change everything about how you navigate life’s toughest challenges.

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