
When Mercy Feels Impossible, Remember This

Mercy is one of the most challenging virtues to practice, especially when we feel wronged. We live in a world that glorifies revenge, self-preservation, and getting even. Yet, Scripture calls us to something higher—a life that reflects God’s mercy.

In 1 Samuel 24, we see David face a moment that could have changed his life forever. He had the opportunity to kill King Saul, the man unjustly hunting him down. No one would have blamed him for striking Saul down, yet David chose mercy over revenge. From his example, we learn three powerful lessons about extending mercy to the undeserving.

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Little Lies, Big Damage: Why God Cares About The Truth You Tell

Chances are, you won’t find yourself in a life-or-death situation where a lie could save you. But let’s be honest—how many times have you been tempted to lie to make life easier? Maybe it’s a quick excuse to avoid conflict. Maybe it’s pretending everything’s fine when it’s really not. Maybe it’s a small exaggeration to make yourself look better.

We live in a world where bending the truth is normal—sometimes even expected. Studies say the average person lies at least twice a day, and many can’t get through a ten-minute conversation with someone new without lying. It’s almost like lying is baked into everyday life.

But as followers of Jesus, we’re called to live differently. We don’t ask, “What does everyone else do?” Instead, we ask, “What does God say about this?” And what God says about lying is direct and powerful.

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Two Traits Every Godly Friendship Must Have

Many of us struggle to build deep, lasting friendships. In a world where connections are often surface-level, how can we form relationships that truly matter?

The Bible gives us a powerful example of friendship in David and Jonathan. Their relationship wasn’t just casual—it was built on trust, vulnerability, and unwavering commitment. In this post, we’ll explore two key traits of godly friendships and how we can cultivate them in our own lives.

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Breaking Free From Jealousy’s Grip

Have you ever found yourself resenting someone else’s success? Maybe it’s a coworker who gets a promotion you wanted, a friend whose life seems perfect, or someone in church who gets all the recognition. You might not say it out loud, but deep down, you feel a sting of jealousy.
Most people think jealousy is just an unfortunate emotion. But the truth is, jealousy is far more dangerous than we realize. It isn’t just a feeling—it’s a symptom of a deeper heart issue.

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Who’s Your Champion? Facing Fear With Faith And Courage

Fear has a way of taking over our thoughts and making us feel small. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, or even death, it can paralyze us. But what if we didn’t have to face fear alone? What if someone stood between us and our biggest challenges, fighting on our behalf? That’s exactly what Jesus does as our ultimate champion. Just like David fought Goliath on behalf of the Israelite army, Jesus has defeated sin, death, and every fear we’ll ever face.

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The Power Of God’s Voice: Overcoming The Lies That Hold You Back

Words have power. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It’s catchy, but it’s a lie. Words can hurt more deeply and last longer than physical wounds. Rejection, ridicule, or belittlement leaves scars that influence our beliefs about ourselves and our actions for years.

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