
Message: “Embracing Suffering in the Trenches” from Terry Foester

A message from the series “In the Trenches.” Missions Month concludes with Pastor Terry Foester sharing “Embracing Suffering in the Trenches” from 1 Peter 4:12-19. Faith in the trenches comes with suffering for our faith. Peter teaches us that our lives must radiate resilience so that we will experience the joy of our salvation.

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Message: “Pursuing Purity in the Trenches” from Guest Speaker

A message from the series “In the Trenches.” Missions Month continues with guest speaker and Pastor Valik Grushetskyy sharing “Pursuing Purity in the Trenches” from 1 Peter 4:1-11. If we are going to be effective ministers in the trenches, our lives must radiate purity in the midst of a culture of perversion.

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#church #Missions

Message: “Sharing Christ in the Trenches” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “In the Trenches.” Pastor Nate Keeler will preach “Sharing Christ in the Trenches” from 1 Peter 3:13-18. In our first message in this series, we will see the vital importance of holding out a life that radiates hope in a culture of hopelessness.

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#church #Missions

Message: “Time to be Watchful” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Sign of the Times.” Pastor Nate Keeler shares “Time to be Watchful” from Mark 13:24-37. As Jesus finishes his teaching on the beginning of the end, we will learn how to be watchful and trust for the future of all things.

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#church #SignOfTheTimes #EndTimes

Message: “Time to be Prepared” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Sign of the Times.” Pastor Nate Keeler shares “Time to be Prepared” from Mark 13:14-23. What should we be looking for to mark the end times? Jesus gives us signs of the end and how to be prepared.

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