Published: Aug 20, 2023 | Tags:
A message from the series “Choose Wisely.” Pastor Matthew McNutt shares Hezekiah: The Reformer from 2 Kings 18-21. Hezekiah is the only king described as a king like David; the Bible records there was no other king like him, before or after his reign. In a time of great wickedness, he stood firm for God when it would have been far easier to go with the flow. His life is a great challenge for us as we live in a secular nation, work in secular jobs and attend secular schools.
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Published: Aug 13, 2023 | Tags:
A message from the series “Choose Wisely.” Pastor Matthew McNutt shares Ahab: The Evil King from 1 Kings 16:29-22:39. Scripture says that Ahab “did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.” What influences led him so far astray? And how is his life and choices a warning for each of us today?
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#church #ChooseWisely #Ahab
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Published: Aug 6, 2023 | Tags:
A message from the series “Choose Wisely.” Pastor Todd Johnson shares Josiah: Breaking the Cycle from 2 Kings 22-23. Josiah was a faithful king. He broke the cycle of unfaithfulness and created a new legacy. We’ll explore how we can break the cycles of sin we are caught in and create a new legacy in our own life.
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#church #ChooseWisely #Josiah
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Published: Jul 30, 2023 | Tags:
A message from the series “Choose Wisely.” Pastor Terry Foester shares Asa: Half-Hearted Reformer from 1 King 15:9-24 and 2 Chronicles 14-16. Asa is a reformer, but he’s half-hearted in his ability to purge idolatry from the people. He doesn’t completely eliminate the “high places” of idolatry, and his reign is plagued by civil war. Sadly, we see in Asa an example of someone who is half-hearted in their devotion and loyalty. What does half-hearted faith look like in our day? How do we avoid half-hearted faith?
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#church #ChooseWisely #Asa
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Published: Jul 23, 2023 | Tags:
A message from the series “Choose Wisely.” Pastor Todd Johnson shares Jehoshaphat: Be Courageous from 2 Chronicles 17-20. Jehoshaphat was known for his courage. Courage aided him in his leadership and his ability to care more about what God thought than man. We will explore how Jehoshaphat exhibited courage and how we, today, can choose courage as we face challenging times.
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