
Message: “A Church of Conviction and Compassion” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “A Church of Conviction and Compassion.” Pastor Nate Keeler will share “A Church of Conviction and Compassion” from Ephesians 4. Jesus’ ministry of conviction and compassion sets the standard for how the church must speak the truth in love in the context of relationships with others. Pastor Nate will also chat with Walt Heyer, one of the speakers at the Gender & Sexuality Forum, to understand how speaking truth in love had a transformational impact on his gender identity journey.

*Please note, this week’s sermon topic may not be appropriate for all ages.

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Message: “Life Together: Are We Loving Beyond Our Circles?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Life Together.” Pastor Nate Keeler shares “Are We Loving Beyond Our Circles?” from Hebrews 13. We have a responsibility to go beyond our comfortable circles to the broken and hurting. Who is someone new, outside of your current circle of friends, you can minister to? How do we as a church go beyond our walls to be an outward facing community?

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Message: “Life Together: Are We Encouraging One Another?” from Terry Foester

A message from the series “Life Together.” Pastor Terry Foester shares “Are We Encouraging One Another?” from Hebrews 10. Our life together must be marked by encouragement and consistency. All too often, we easily give up on the habit of meeting together in the midst of busy lives. How do we strike the right rhythm in the ways we gather in small groups? How do we challenge one another in the midst of our busy lives?

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Message: “Life Together: Are We Maturing One Another?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Life Together.” Pastor Nate Keeler shares “Are We Maturing One Another?” from Hebrews 5. We’ll learn about the importance of moving from shallow faith toward a deeply rooted faith and deeply connected relationships. We must recognize that mature faith and healthy community are inseparable. Who are you investing in? 

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Message: “Life Together: Is Jesus at the Center?” from Terry Foester

A message from the series “Life Together.” Pastor Terry Foester shares “Is Jesus at the Center?” from Hebrews 3 and 12. Our life together must be rooted in the supreme work of Jesus. This community is unique from all other forms of community because Jesus is at the center of all the ways we gather. But how do we live it out? Communion will be served during the service.

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