Published: Nov 8, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Gospel Blueprints.” As we continue our Gospel Blueprints sermon series, this week Pastor Nate Keeler and Pastor Todd Johnson share Gospel Blueprints for Race Relations. How does the Gospel shape how we view racial identity and relationships? The sermon context is Ephesians 4:11-22.
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#church #gospelblueprints #racerelations
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Published: Nov 8, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Gospel Blueprints.” Q&A with author Dr. Os Guinness. We join the Q&A a few minutes into the discussion due to technical difficulties.
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Published: Nov 8, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Gospel Blueprints.” As we continue our Gospel Blueprints sermon series, guest speaker and author Dr. Os Guinness shares Gospel Blueprints for Justice and the Common Good. How do we define biblical justice? What is the role of the Christian in bringing God’s justice and goodness to bear in the world? The sermon context is Genesis 18:16-33.
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If you want Os Guinness’ book, The Magna Carta of Humanity, stop by the church office during weekday business hours to pickup a copy.
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#church #gospelblueprints #justice #good
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Published: Nov 8, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Gospel Blueprints.” As we continue our Gospel Blueprints sermon series, Pastor Todd Johnson shares Gospel Blueprints for Marriage and Families. Are marriage and family irrelevant and problematic institutions of the old world that need to be deconstructed? Or are they designed with Gospel purposes for the good of all humanity and societies? The sermon context is Ephesians 5:21-6:4.
Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card.
If you want Os Guinness’ book, The Magna Carta of Humanity, stop by the church office during weekday business hours to pickup a copy.
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#church #gospelblueprints #marriage #family #children
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Published: Nov 8, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Gospel Blueprints.” As we continue our Gospel Blueprints sermon series, Pastor Matthew McNutt shares Purpose: Why Do I Exist? Does life have a purpose? Do we create our own purpose or is there a metanarrative of existence in which we find our purpose? The sermon context is Colossians 3:1-4.
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#church #gospelblueprints #purpose #WhyDoIExist
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