Published: Jun 20, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Parables: Jesus the Storyteller.” This week Pastor Nate shares the parable of Old and New Wineskins from Luke 5:36-38.
This summer in our Parables: Jesus the Storyteller sermon series we will learn to unlock the meaning of the parables and discover how these simple tales can revolutionize your perspective on God, salvation, purpose and life in the kingdom of God.
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Published: Jun 13, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Parables: Jesus the Storyteller.” This week Pastor Nate explains the parable of the Sower and the Seed from Matthew 13:3-23.
As you read the gospels it becomes clear that Jesus loved to tell stories! Scripture records 40 parables told by Jesus. What was the purpose of these often-misunderstood stories? Were they morality lessons? Riddles designed to challenge those seeking truth?
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Join us Monday (June 14) at 10am on Facebook for a live discussion about this sermon. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to
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#church #parables #sowerandseed
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Published: Jun 6, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Facing Giants.” Pastor Nate addresses The Giant of Anxiety and Depression. A common misconception is that if you are a mature Christian, you will never experience anxiety or depression. Some believe that these emotions are signs of a lack of faith. However, some of the most Godly and influential heroes of the faith struggled with anxiety and depression…even Jesus! We will learn to walk through a range of emotions with our help and hope fixed on Jesus. The sermon context is from Matthew 11:28-30.
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Join us Monday (June 7) at 10am on Facebook for a live discussion about this sermon. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to
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#church #giants #anxiety #depression
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Published: May 30, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Facing Giants.” This week our Facing Giants series addresses The Giant of Grief. All people, born into this broken world, must pass through the rough waters of grief. Guest Pastor Bill Schlonecker will share his personal experience with grief, God’s faithfulness and what he has learned through the pain. The sermon context is from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
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#church #giants #longings
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Published: May 23, 2021 | Tags:
A message from the series “Facing Giants.” Pastor Nate Keeler addresses The Giant of Unfulfilled Longings. Many people in the church live with the ongoing struggle of unfulfilled longings. These longings could be the desire for marriage, intimacy, family, pregnancy and raising children or freedom from an illness, to name a few. When unchecked, these longings can result in resentment, isolation, disillusionment and spiritual drifting. We will see how in Christ and his future kingdom we can find an anchor for the longings of our soul. The sermon context is from 2 Corinthians 12:8-10.
Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card.
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Join us Monday (May 24) at 10am on Facebook for a live discussion about this sermon. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to
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#church #giants #longings
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