
Message: “Romans Part 2: The Fruits of Justification, Part 1” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” Pastor Nate Keeler continues our Romans Part 2: God’s Provision sermon series with “The Fruits of Justification, Part 1.” The Apostle Paul is not just interested in the deep and technical aspects of the theology of justification. He wants his readers to know that being right with God bears fruit in the life of the believer. We can experience real peace with God instead of enmity. We now experience favor in the eyes of God and can experience joy, regardless of our circumstances, because of our new hope. The sermon context is Romans 5:1-5.

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The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (August 17) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Romans Part 2: The Faith of Abraham, Part 2” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” Pastor Matthew McNutt continues our sermon series Romans Part 2: God’s Provision. Pastor Matthew speaks about “The Faith of Abraham Part 2.” In Romans 4:13-25, the Apostle Paul continues examining the faith of Abraham as an example of what it means to be credited righteousness as well as the relationship between faith and works. Was the object of Abraham’s faith different than our faith as Christians? How were Old Testament believers saved without knowing Jesus Christ? The answers lie in trusting the promise and character of God.

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (August 10) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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Message: “Romans Part 2: Romans 1-4 Revisited” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” This week Pastor Nate Keeler resumes our Romans series with “Romans 1-4 Revisited.” We reflect on Paul’s argument in the first three chapters of Romans that all people, both religious and rebellious, are separated from God and in desperate need of His righteousness. How do we obtain His righteousness? By faith in God’s provision, Jesus Christ. Communion will be offered during the service. 

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (August 3) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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Message: “Glow: Glowing in All Circumstances” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Glow.” As we conclude our Glow sermon series, Pastor Nate Keeler focuses on “Glowing in All Circumstances.” The sermon context is from Philippians 4:10-23. Doesn’t it always seem like the grass is greener on the other side? Paul ends his letter to the church in Philippi by sharing his secret to glowing with contentment in all circumstances. Discover the path to true contentment.

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (July 27) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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Message: “Glow: A Glowing Thought Life” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Glow.” As we continue our Glow sermon series, Pastor Nate Keeler focuses on A Glowing Thought Life. Are you burdened by anxiety? Paul shares with us a principle and three practices that unshackle us from anxiety so we can experience true joy in the Lord. The sermon context is from Philippians 4:2-9.

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (July 20) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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