
Message: “Glow: How to Glow in the Dark” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Glow.” This week in our Glow sermon series, Pastor Matthew McNutt focuses on Philippians 2:12-18 and How to Glow in the Dark. What Paul, the writer of Philippians, is talking about impacts every aspect of our lives; how we interact with people at work, at home, in our clubs…all of our interactions. We’re part of a movement with a singular focus and Paul is telling us to not let ourselves be distracted. By God glowing through us, we were made to shine in the darkness of a broken world.

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The children’s bulletin can be downloaded here.

Join us Monday (June 8) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Glow: The Glow of Humility” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Glow.” This week Pastor Nate Keeler discusses The Glow of Humility from Philippians 2:1-11. We will learn how the humility of Jesus inspires gospel-shaped unity as we continue our Glow sermon series.

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

Join us Monday (June 1) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Glow: An Unbreakable Glow” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Glow.” Pastor Nate Keeler focuses on Philippians 1:12-30 and An Unbreakable Glow. We will discover that unbreakable joy comes from truly discovering the implications of the gospel.

Please sign our digital Connection Card. Click to sign the Connection Card

Join us Monday (May 25) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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Message: “Glow: Know, Grow, Go…Glow” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Glow.” This week Pastor Nate Keeler focuses on Philippians 1:1-11 and Know, Grow, Go…Glow! The journey from darkness to joy starts and ends with the gospel of Jesus. Just like Paul, it is our great joy to help you in your journey with Jesus.

Join us Monday (May 18) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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Message: “Old School: Home Building” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Old School.” This week we conclude our “Old School” sermon series. Pastor Todd Johnson will help us examine the biblical practice of Home Building. We will look to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 as a guide to help us uncover what it means to build a Christian home in the 21st century.

Join us Monday (May 11) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

License: CSPL066641 Size D

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