
Message: “Old School: Generosity” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Old School.” What we do with our resources during a time of crisis and uncertainty may be the greatest mark of authentic faith. Find out why, when Pastor Nate discusses “Generosity.” The sermon context is from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9.

Two thousand years ago Jesus instituted communion as a way for his followers to remember the gospel. Jesus died in our place to bring us to God AND to rejoice that we will be united with him forever. During this season of online worship services, we invite you to join the church at the virtual communion table wherever you are worshiping this Sunday. Use whatever cup or bread of choice you have available and we will lead you in a time of remembrance and celebration.

Join us Monday (May 4) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Old School: Meditating” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Old School.” This Sunday we will learn about Meditation: an Old School spiritual practice that God designed to give us peace, clarity and strength in the midst of tough times like these. The sermon context is from Psalm 1.

Join us Monday (April 27) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Old School: Neighboring” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Old School.” What does it mean to be the good neighbor that Jesus calls us to be? How do God’s values challenge the world’s values? The parable of the good Samaritan challenges us to be more like Christ in ways we might not have considered. The sermon context is from Luke 10:25-37.

Join us Monday (April 20) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer for your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “The Death of Despair” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Easter: The Death of Despair.” This Easter we look at the resurrection through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, an unlikely sinner turned forgiven follower of Jesus, who was the first to see the resurrected Jesus. Like Mary, we all experience disappointment and despair living in a fallen world. Our greatest hopes of success, our longing for the perfect relationship, our desire to be someone can quickly be crushed by failure, flaws, sin and sickness. But the resurrection of Jesus puts to death despair. The resurrection promises to undo all our greatest failures, flaws, sin and sickness. It works backwards to right every wrong and turn despair into real joy and purpose that will never end.

Download the music song sheets for the music being sung during the Easter service.

Join us Monday (April 13) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer and your requests. Click to go to facebook.com/brandywineonline

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Message: “Diamond in the Rough” from Guest Speaker

A message from the series “Good Friday.” The death of our Savior reconciles us to God and unites us as one body, one family. Celebrate the cross of Christ and our blood-bought unity on this Good Friday.

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