Published: Mar 8, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” In Romans 4:1-12, the apostle Paul answers this question: If faith in Jesus Christ is what justifies the sinner before a holy God, what is faith? Paul points to two heroes of both Jews and Gentile Christians: Abraham and King David. Both men were justified by faith, apart from works, long before the the Law was given to the Israelites and before the birth of the Messiah. Reinforcing Paul’s argument for justification, scripture gives us three reasons why righteousness is by faith alone. First, it is a direct deposit, credited by God, to a “spiritual account.” Second, righteousness if a gift. Third, righteousness precedes the law. A proper understanding of saving faith influences our focus when it comes to evangelism.
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Published: Mar 1, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” In Part 2 of Romans, the apostle Paul begins to transition from his argument that no one is righteous before a holy God to how we become righteous before God. Becoming righteous is not something we DO, but it is something we RECEIVE from God by faith in the only righteous one, Jesus Christ. This sermon explores the massive significance of righteousness and provides an understanding of three big, theological terms: justification, redemption and propitiation.
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Published: Feb 23, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Prayer: The Fuel for Missions.” As believers, we need to be
increasingly praying outward, God-centered prayers; that is, prayers that align with the mission of God
in the world, to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them follow Him. The scripture verses in Colossians 4:2-4 provide us with four traits of a missional prayer life. First, prioritize prayer. Second, pray for gospel opportunities. Third, pray for gospel clarity. Fourth, don’t waste gospel circumstances. Missional prayers are the fuel for missions in our community, in our country, and across the globe.
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Published: Feb 16, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Prayer: The Fuel for Missions.” Kenyan missionary Pastor Steve Njenga brings the sermon today from Nehemiah 1:1-11. Nehemiah’s example shows us that making a difference in Christian missions requires us to turn to God in prayer and surrender our lives to be used of God. In order to be transformed and strengthened to serve God and others, Christians need: to receive the right information; to be touched by the needs of others; to respond to the needs; and to not listen to discouragers. To accomplish His purposes, God uses ordinary, humble people who first come to Him in prayer.
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Published: Feb 9, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Prayer: The Fuel for Missions.” The missional prayer for this Sunday is for harvest workers (Matthew 9:35-38). We see in this scripture passage that a spiritual harvest is always preceded by two movements: first, a movement of compassion; and second, a movement of prayer. Jesus modeled this for us by seeing the physical and spiritual needs of people, feeling their pain, and doing something about it. When believers go to the places where there are lost and hurting people, we too are moved by compassion to pray for them. God uses us to be part of the harvest, as we witness lives transformed by the gospel of Christ.
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