Published: Apr 5, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Old School.” Throughout the centuries during dark times the people of God always responded by fasting. We will learn the significance and relevance of this ancient spiritual practice for our present crisis. The sermon context is Ezra 8:21-23.
Two thousand years ago Jesus instituted communion as a way for his followers to remember the gospel. Jesus died in our place to bring us to God AND to rejoice that we will be united with him forever. During this season of online worship services, we would like to invite you to join the church at the virtual communion table wherever you are worshiping this Sunday. Use whatever cup or bread of choice you have available to you and we will lead you in a time of remembrance and celebration.
Pastor Nate has called the church to a fast on Monday through Friday (April 6-10). We asking everyone to skip one meal a day (unless for health reasons that is unwise, in which case fast from something other than food that you crave). Use that meal time to reflect, confess and pray. Click to find the list of things to pray for each day on our website.
Join us Monday (April 6) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives. We will also have a time of prayer and your requests. Click to go to
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Published: Mar 29, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Old School.” This sermon looks at the “old school” practice of Abiding. The sermon context is John 15:1-5.
3 Truths:
1. The SYMBOL of abiding
2. The SECRET to abiding
3. The SNARES of not abiding
Join us Monday (March 30) at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook for a live discussion about applying the sermon to our lives and determining what are counterfeit vines.
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Published: Mar 22, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Use it of Lose It.” Time is simultaneously our greatest and most neglected resource. During an unprecedented season of self-quarantining, how should we be spending our time? We might be tempted to look at COVID-19 as a curse, but what if God wants us to redeem the time for his purposes? Ephesians 5:15-17 has something relevant and powerful to share with us that could change our perspective during this unique time in our lives.
After the sermon at 10:45 a.m. join us on Facebook for a Live Discussion about the sermon and a time of praying for your requests. Click to go to
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Published: Mar 15, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Faith Greater Than Fear.” What should be the response of Christians to the Coronavirus or anything else that threatens our control, sense of peace, way of life or security? In this message we will discover a timely and powerful promise of Jesus that can transform our fear into faith. Join us on Facebook at 10:45am on Sunday, March 15 for a followup to this service.
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Published: Mar 8, 2020 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 2: God’s Provision.” In Romans 4:1-12, the apostle Paul answers this question: If faith in Jesus Christ is what justifies the sinner before a holy God, what is faith? Paul points to two heroes of both Jews and Gentile Christians: Abraham and King David. Both men were justified by faith, apart from works, long before the the Law was given to the Israelites and before the birth of the Messiah. Reinforcing Paul’s argument for justification, scripture gives us three reasons why righteousness is by faith alone. First, it is a direct deposit, credited by God, to a “spiritual account.” Second, righteousness if a gift. Third, righteousness precedes the law. A proper understanding of saving faith influences our focus when it comes to evangelism.
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