
Message: “Summer on the Mount: True Faith Redefined” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Summer on the Mount.” Throughout the Sermon on the Mount Jesus has been asking “Will you follow me?” This sermon, from Matthew 7:13-27, looks at the broad road vs. the narrow road. It investigates three options: 1. My Way vs God’s Way 2. Deceptive Religion vs. Real Relationship (and signs of self-deception) 3. Hearing vs. Doing.

Message: “Summer on the Mount: Judgment Redefined” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Summer on the Mount.” The scripture verses regarding judgment in Matthew 7:1-5 are often used in a way that does not reflect Christ’s intention. This sermon will address: (1) what judging is not; (2) how we judge wrongly; and (3) how we judge rightly. Pastor Nate explains how the ability to clearly see our own sin and to truly know the grace and mercy of God reflects the stages of spiritual maturity.

Message: “Summer on the Mount: Control and Worry Redefined” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Summer on the Mount.” In Matthew 6:25-34 and 7:7-11, Jesus addresses the kind of worry that is a restless, anxious care about temporal things – the here and now. He speaks to the natural question: “If I choose God as my master and place my value and source of security in heaven, who will take care of my daily needs on earth?” Jesus gives three reasons why we should not worry: 1. God cares for his creatures, and we are of even more value; 2. He “dresses” the flowers of the field in beauty and cares even more for his children; and 3. Our heavenly father knows our needs. This sermon also addresses God’s promises, His values and steps to overcome worry.

Message: “Summer on the Mount: Wealth Redefined” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Summer on the Mount.” In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus redefines what it means to be wealthy. If we are to follow Him, our investments and wealth must be aimed at eternal things. Only heavenly treasure can provide security and permanence. How do we invest in heavenly things? We “store up heavenly treasure” when we live our lives with open hearts and open hands. This sermon addresses the challenge in and the solution for living according to this counter-cultural perspective

Message: “Summer on the Mount: Hypocrisy Redefined” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Summer on the Mount.” In Matthew 6:1-8, Jesus addresses Imitation vs Authentic Religion. This includes giving, prayer and fasting. Jesus reserved his harshest words for hypocrites. Hypocrisy is deceiving yourself, it is like wearing a mask. Others see what the mask portrays but you see the what’s behind the mask. When you perform a good deed, do you care who gets the credit? Jesus may have no tolerance for hypocrisy, but he has UNLIMTED GRACE for those who take off the mask. Now is the time to get real with God and get real with others.