
Message: “Romans: The Gravity of the Fall” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” In Romans 1:18-32, we see that the downward spiral of humanity’s “fall” has resulted in idolatry of all kinds. God’s wrath – that is, His settled, fair and righteous disposition toward sinful humanity – is deserved and revealed. Each of us desperately needs to receive the righteousness of God. Why? Scripture states that we exchange the truth about God for a lie. We exchange the worship of God for worship of idols. We also exchange obedience to God for obedience to our desires. All of humanity stands guilty before our divine judge. Only the gospel has the power to break the fall!

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Message: “Romans: Gospel Greetings” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” The Apostle Paul headlines his letter to the Romans with its theme of good news; this is the meaning of the word “gospel.” In Romans 1:1-17 Paul introduces himself to his readers and his message. We learn that Paul is proclaiming “good news” about: a promised savior; the God-man, Jesus; grace; a message for all people; and about a saving power. This sermon challenges us to ask ourselves if the gospel has become real to us personally.

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Message: “Work as Worship: Don’t Worship Work” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Work as Worship.” Although work is clearly important to God, we must not make our occupation an idol; that is, something to which we give too much weight or devotion. The scripture verses in Psalm 127:1-2 and Matthew 6:9-24 provide indicators that our work may be an idol – that our worship is misplaced. One, our work is in vain. Two, our hope is in wealth. Three, our identity is in our occupation. Pastor Matthew provides a simple question to ask ourselves in determining if our work has become an idol. He also gives steps to take if work is an idol.

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Message: “Work as Worship: Your Faith at Work” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Work as Worship.” We often make a false distinction between the sacred and the secular; however, we are called to make disciples and be ambassadors of Christ everywhere, including our workplace. How do we winsomely plant seeds and introduce people to Christ through our vocation or service opportunities? There are three principles for effectively sharing our faith. One, excellence breeds opportunity. Second, ethics breed credibility. Third, preparation enables us to share our faith (Colossians 4:5-6). Evangelism is doing life with gospel intentionality.

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Message: “Work as Worship: Work Attitude and Ethic” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Work as Worship.” The scripture passages in 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 and Colossians 3:22-25 reveal five ways to approach work as worship. First, work according to your divine design; that is, discover your internal calling. Second, pursue work that is beneficial. This kind of work contributes to the community we want to live in. Third, consider all work as worthy of dignity. There is no caste system within the Gospel. Fourth, work for our true master (God), not our earthly master. We work to please God, not to earn favor with man. Finally, put our soul into our work. Christians should be known for our work ethic and excellence.

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