
Message: “In His Image” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Origin Stories, Part 1.” Secularism sends mixed messages on the value of human life, especially the value of an unborn child. However, our origin story assures the dignity of all human life encompassed in concept of the “imago dei.” Discover the implications of being made in the image of God and serving those with special needs as Pastor Nate Keeler presents “In His Image” from Genesis 1:26-27.

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Message: ” Born for This” from Terry Foester

A message from the series “Origin Stories, Part 1.” Secularism tells us that we have the ability to create and determine our own meaning. But in this message we will learn that God designed mankind with a clear meaning not self-created but given by God alone. Come discover the reason we were made. Pastor Terry Foester shares “Born for This” from Genesis 1:26-31.

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#church #Genesis #BornForThis

Message: “In the Beginning, God” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Origin Stories, Part 1.” Pastor Nate Keeler shares “In the Beginning, God” from Genesis 1:1-25. Secularism tells us that the universe one big cosmic accident, random and meaningless. But the first four words of the Bible root our origin story in the Creator. We will look at how the reality of personal, creator God must be the starting point to understand ourselves, our world and our purpose.

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Message: “What Are We Doing Here” from Guest Speaker

A message from the series “What Are We Doing Here.” Guest speaker Tim “Chip” Santa Barbara shares “What Are We Doing Here?” from Luke 9:43-62 and Romans 7:18-25. As we end 2023, we will address some false notions of what it means to follow our King. Learn about the best resolution anyone can make this new year.

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Message: “The Revelation” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Advent – Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See.” On Christmas Eve Pastor Nate Keeler shares “The Revelation” from John 1:18. How can the transcendent, invisible God be made known to mankind? We will consider the incredible reality that Jesus is the image of the invisible God and why that matters in our lives.

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