
Message: “Majesty of God” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Majesty of God.” Our understanding of the greatness of God is a foundational element of our Christian faith. If we undervalue the majesty of God, we live our lives out of balance. Through the example of Moses’s encounter with God in Exodus 3:13-14, we learn that the majesty of God is often revealed through our inadequacies.

Message: “Tale of Tamar” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Tale of Tamar.” In this sermon based on Matthew 1:1-17, we see the gospel proclaimed through the genealogy of Jesus. His lineage uncharacteristically contains the names of four women, including Tamar, a Canaanite who was taken advantage of by those in power and authority over her. In God’s story, Tamar’s presence enhances the purity and dignity of Jesus’ lineage. We too find our identity and value in Christ’s story, not in our past.

Message: “Brandywine Together: Shepherds and Flock, Part 2” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Brandywine Together.” **This sermon may not be appropriate for children as Pastor Nate addresses the topic of abuse of power by those in positions of authority within and outside of the church. We learn from Ezekiel 34 that: (1) God hate the abuse of authority; (2.) God will hold power abusers accountable; (3.) God is the defender of the victimized; and (4.) God is opposed to the rejection of authority. Pastor Nate also addresses the question, “How should the church body respond to leaders in the church.” (Romans 13).

Message: “Brandywine Together: Shepherds and Flock, Part 1” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Brandywine Together.” God has given the local church a plurality of qualified leaders called elders. Membership in a local church is an official recognition of these leaders. It establishes a relationship between those whom the leaders care for and those whom the members follow. Based on 1 Timothy 3:1-7, this sermon addresses: (1) Who are the leaders? (2) What is their job description? and (3) What are their qualifications?

Message: “Brandywine Together: A Case for Church Membership” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Brandywine Together.” Membership is official recognition by a church that an individual is committing him/herself to the church in order to fulfill God’s purposes and commands. This sermon provides scriptural evidence showing a precedent for “membership” in the early church and reasons why church membership in a local body of believers makes sense in our day.