
Message: “Skeptical: Why Do Bad Things Happen if God is Good?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Skeptical.” Pastor Nate addresses these common objections and questions about God and suffering: 1. God cannot be good because evil exists. 2. Why would God allow evil to come into existence? 3. What is the source of evil and suffering in the world? 4. Suffering disproves God’s existence because it is pointless. Pastor Nate also provides pastoral thoughts for those who are suffering or want to come alongside those who are suffering.

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Message: “Vision 2019” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Vision 2019.” The mission of Brandywine Valley Baptist Church is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them follow Him. We do this because we believe that Jesus transforms lives. Our core values guide us in accomplishing our mission. This sermon reviews our vision for ministry in 2019 and beyond.

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Message: “Skeptical: How Can We Believe in God if There Isn’t Any Proof?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Skeptical.” In this sermon, Pastor Nate accepts a challenge to demonstrate that believing in God is actually the most reasonable and rational explanation of reality. There are four reasons to consider. First is the big God behind the “Big Bang.” Second is a fine-tuned universe that sustains life. Third is the existence of transcendent beauty, desire and meaning. Fourth is that belief in God is an anchor for morality. The sermon also addresses the scriptural explanation for unbelief while affirming the ultimate evidence of God’s existence–Jesus Christ.

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Message: “Skeptical: Haven’t Christians Been on the Wrong Side of History?” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Skeptical.” When those who claim to be Christ followers distort God’s word, it draws skepticism from the watching world. This skepticism isn’t a problem with Jesus; it is criticism due to the cultural Christianity of those who fail to take Jesus’ words seriously. Being on the right side of history means that Christians align their lives with God and His Son. This sermon examines two historical periods in which Christians did “get it wrong:” American institutionalized slavery and the German church’s response to Anti-Semitism. Learn how Christians today can ensure that they are true disciples who don’t slip into Cultural Christianity and end up on the wrong side of history.

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Message: “Skeptical: Why Should I Trust the Bible?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Skeptical.” God invites believers, seekers and skeptics to “come and see;” therefore, the Church should be a safe place to ask hard questions about the Christian faith. This sermon addresses questions regarding the reliability of scripture, examining the cohesive story in the Bible, the tradition of oral transmission, the issue of textual errors and the preservation of scripture. There is compelling evidence to conclude that the Bible is the most trustworthy ancient document in existence.

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