
Message: “Bold as Lions: The Furnace” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Bold as Lions: The Book of Daniel.” In Daniel chapter 3, we see that God protects his chosen representatives in the fiery furnace when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue. Their bold faith in God gives them the courage to stand by their convictions and informs their choices. We as Christians are challenged to exercise this same kind of faith that refuses to bow down and is spiritually fireproof. Just as with these men, God can use our faith to convince critics of Christianity. God also saves us through His son Jesus Christ. The Son walked through the fires for us. In what area is God calling us to exercise bold faith?

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Message: “Bold as Lions: The Dream” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Bold as Lions: The Book of Daniel.” In Daniel chapter 2 we see God using Daniel to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which results in Daniel being placed in an incredible place of influence. Daniel boldly volunteered to interpret the dream because of his strong sense of trust in God and his recognition that God is the source of wisdom. Daniel did not take credit for the interpretation. Instead he praised God for the answered prayer and acknowledged before the king that God had revealed the dream and its meaning. We too can have biblical boldness by: (1) trusting God’s plan, not our own; (2) fearing God, not man; and (3) giving God the Glory from our victories.

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Message: “Bold as Lions: The Test” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Bold as Lions: The Book of Daniel.” In Daniel Chapter 1, we see that Daniel and his friends, Babylonian captives from Judah, face the challenge of obedience to God versus compromise. Christians today must also wrestle with the question: “Will we conform to the status quo of this world or transform through faith to be used by God.” This sermon addresses the pressure we face in this world and the power of God to effect change. We are challenged to be a “thermostat, not a thermometer.”

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Message: “City on a Hill: The Everyday Gospel – An Interview” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Missions Month: City on a Hill.” Pastor Nate Keeler interviews a panel of “regular people” who attend BVBC and have been placed by God in strategic places to be a light for the gospel. These individuals share how they make intentional decisions to live out their faith within their spheres of influence, including the corporate world, education, addiction recovery programs, and English as a Second Language classes. They discuss practical ways to have conversations with others as well as barriers they have faced personally.

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Message: “A City on a Hill: The Gospel for Sinners and Saints” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Missions Month: City on a Hill.” The parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) can be divided into two acts: 1. The Lost Younger Brother 2. The Lost Elder Brother. The younger brother represents sinners and the elder brother represents the saints, the Pharisees. In this parable Jesus radically redefines God, sin and salvation. This provides a new lens by which we can see our world and ourselves.

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