
Message: “Sure Foundations, Part 3” from Todd Johnson

A message from the series “Sure Foundations.” Pastor Todd Johnson preaches on two additional core values of Brandywine Valley Baptist Church. First, BVBC values families. We see in Genesis 1:27-28 that God created the first family. Society needs churches with healthy, thriving marriages that in turn produce healthy families. Second, BVBC values authenticity and restoration. We believe the church should be a hospital for sinners. When people feel safe enough to remove the masks hiding their brokenness, this authenticity leads to opportunities for restoration through the power of the gospel.

Message: “Sanctity of Life Sunday” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Sanctity of Life Sunday.” For a Christian, being pro-life means advocating for the dignity and sanctity of human life at every stage, a position that has deep roots in Biblical ethics. Three Biblical truths that shape a Christian’s understanding include:
1. God is the giver and author of every human life (Genesis 139:13-16).
2. All humans are sacred and have inherit dignity because we are uniquely made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
3. We are called to care and advocate for the weak, voiceless and defenseless (Matthew 25:34-40; Proverbs 31:8-9).

Message: “Sure Foundations, Part 2” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Sure Foundations.” Pastor Nate addresses the next two core values of Brandywine Valley Baptist Church. (1) We value The Pursuit of Excellence, Relevance and Innovation. God deserves our best and so do people. (2) We value Unity in Diversity. Unity was made possible and commanded through Christ.

Message: “What is the Greatest Commandment?” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “What is the Greatest Commandment?.” Loving God means loyalty to Christ as Lord alone in every area of our lives. As we contemplate the new year, these three questions will help us evaluate our commitment to Christ:
1. Am I willing to follow Jesus even if it costs me something?
2. Am I willing to believe whatever God says, regardless of how I feel about it?
3. Am I willing to put what is right above what works?