
Message: “The Wise and Foolish Builders” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “The Wise and Foolish Builders.” In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells the parable of two builders to illustrate the difference in two lives built upon different foundations. Only one is built to last. The context is the “Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew 5-7 in which Jesus is describing life as citizens of the Kingdom of God, with Jesus as our King. What foundation are we building our lives upon?

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Message: “Proverbs – Directions” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” The words “start off” or “train up” in Proverbs 22:6 communicates the idea of dedicating a child or even an adult to God’s purposes. This verse is a guideline rather than a prescription. Believers teach by example, by modeling what it means to follow God. Young people will emulate their parents and the adults around them. Believers have a responsibility to grow in their Christian faith so they can effectively model the principles included in the acronym H.A.B.I.T.S.

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Message: “Proverbs- Friendship Part 2” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” In part two of Proverbs – Friendship, we learn about the final two attributes of friendship: candor and counsel. 1. Candor is truth telling. Are you willing to speak truth in love to a friend especially when it is hard? Are you open to receiving truth in love? 2. Counsel is described in Proverbs 27:9 as perfume and incense… sweet and pleasant. Words, true and meaningful words that convince you that are known and loved. Do you have friends that make you better at what matters most?

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Message: “Proverbs- Friendship Part 1” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” In part one of Proverbs – Friendship we learn about the: 1. Importance of good friends. 2. Four attributes of friendship: constancy, carefulness, candor and counsel. Constancy – Are you making your self available to your friends? What does your availability say about your friendship? Carefulness – Who do you go to when you are in deep pain? Are you the kind of person your friends can go to in deep pain?

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Message: “Proverbs- Boundaries” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” In Proverbs 5-7, King Solomon warns his sons against sexual immorality. Pastor Nate examines key passages that address the danger, deception and defense when we encounter sexual temptation. If we have crossed the boundaries established by God, He offers us unconditional love, forgiveness and restoration through Jesus Christ.

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