
Message: “Proverbs- Work” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” Proverbs has much to say about work and laziness. Pastor Nate provides a portrait of the “sluggard” based on six characteristics found in Proverbs. Conversely, we learn that God gives us the power to overcome laziness. He cares even more that we don’t neglect our spiritual diligence.

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Message: “Proverbs- Decisions” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” God helps us to navigate decisions by giving us “buoys” or markers that enable us to make wise decisions and to avoid the wrong path (Proverbs 3:5-6). Five reliable “buoys” are the: 1. foundation of God’s revealed will; 2. counsel of the Holy Spirit; 3. tutor of past experience; 4. clarity of time; and, 5. honesty of community.

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Message: “Proverbs- Words of Life and Death” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” Proverbs 18:21 tells us “the tongue can bring death or life.” How do we use our tongue to bring life? Resolve to do four things: 1. Speak less and listen more; 2. Promote unity, not gossip; 3. Speak truth, not lies; and 4. Encourage, rather than criticize. Words of life originate from a changed heart. The promise of the Gospel is that God will transform us from the inside out. He empowers us to change through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

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Message: “Proverbs- The Fear of the Lord” from Nate Keeler

A message from the series “Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life.” Proverbs 1 tells us there are two ways to live: the good life with God at the center, vs. the foolish life with self at the center. We learn in verse seven that having an appropriate “fear” of the Lord is the key to the Good Life. This fear of the Lord comes from an increasing head and heart comprehension of both the bigness and the goodness of God.

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Message: “Student Mission Report” from Matthew McNutt

A message from the series “Student Mission Report.” Three teams with the Brandywine Student Ministry attended mission trips to North Carolina and Puerto Rico the week of June 16-23, 2018. Teens and adults share their experiences during both worship services on June 24.

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