Published: Mar 11, 2018 | Tags:
A message from the series “Esther: The Divine Behind the Scenes.” In the book of Esther chapters 3-4, we learn that the anti-Semite Haman has the king’s endorsement to wipe out the Jewish population. Mordecai sends word to his daughter, Queen Esther. He asks her to intercede on behalf of her people by approaching her husband, the cruel King Xerxes. Esther determines to use her royal position “for such a time as this,” knowing this risky, dangerous move could result in her own death. As Christians, we should consider our own positions and opportunities in response to God’s call. Does He want to use us “for such a time as this?” Are we the answer to our own prayers? It is better to act than not to act if our regrets in not responding to God’s call will lead us to ask, “What if?”
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Published: Mar 4, 2018 | Tags:
A message from the series “Esther: The Divine Behind the Scenes.” We see in Esther chapters 1-2 that God is providentially working behind the scenes during a time when God’s people are seemingly irrelevant in the culture. Esther and Mordecai, Jewish exiles, find themselves in positions of influence in the Persian kingdom. In his sovereign rescue plan, God will use Esther to intervene on behalf of the Jewish people to save them from annihilation.
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Published: Feb 25, 2018 | Tags:
A message from the series “Missions Month – February 2018.” In conjunction with Missions Month, Pastor Nate addresses the context and content of prayer in missions. When Christians engage in the work of the Great Commission, they engage in a spiritual war. Prayer is the communication tool by which the weapons of warfare are deployed to the front lines of the spiritual battle. Scripture gives us the content of these wartime prayers.
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Published: Feb 18, 2018 | Tags:
A message from the series “Missions Month – February 2018.” Pastor Esperandieu Pierre, BVBC-supported Haitian missionary, speaks on the impact of a transformed life in Christ. Every Christian can fulfill the Great Commission through T.I.M.E.: T = Time; I = Influence; M = Means; and E = Expertise.
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Published: Feb 11, 2018 | Tags:
A message from the series “Missions Month – February 2018.” Pastor Nate Keeler interviews Prison Chaplain Steve Anderson and Tim Santa Barbara. Steve describes his ministry role with Prison Outreach of DE, Inc. and how this organization brings hope and help to incarcerated individuals, ex-offenders and their families. Tim shares his personal story of his life before and after encountering Jesus Christ. He also describes how Steve, Prison Outreach, and BVBC were instrumental in his journey of transformation and discipleship.
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