Lead Pastor Nate Keeler is giving a live-streaming message today because worship services are canceled due to the snow. The scripture passage is 1 Peter 3:13-17 in which the apostle Peter exhorts first century Christians facing persecution to honor Christ as holy and to be prepared to give a defense for their faith. We too have a faith grounded in a living hope; that is, a resurrected Savior. We are challenged to live in such a way that causes others to notice a difference and we are to be ready to give an answer for why we have hope. Our gentle, respectful response points to our living hope in Jesus Christ.
This sermon series in 1 Peter will encourage, instruct and challenge Christians to live as citizens of the kingdom of heaven while remaining as citizens of the kingdom of man. The scriptures will speak to questions such as: Who are we? How much should we be like or unlike the world? How do we respond when we experience suffering?