Magnified VBS 2025
Join us for Magnified VBS 2025. Discover the bigness of God in the smallest of things. VBS is July 21-25, 2025.
Check back in May 2025 for more details. Registration will open May 21, 2025.
WHO: Age 4 (by July 21, 2025) through 5th grade (just completed)
WHAT: VBS – Kids rotate through stations (worship, Bible, crafts, games, missions and snack)
WHEN: July 21-25, 9am-noon
WHERE: Brandywine Valley Church, Wilmington, DE
REGISTRATION: Opens May 21, 2025.

Make VBS Decorations
Gather your family, small group and friends to work together to create various animals and plants for our Magnified VBS! Adults, teens and elementary-age kids may participate; all elementary-age kids must be accompanied by an adult.
Please plan on giving a minimum of two hours of your time. Signup for your time slot(s). Please contact Rochelle Anderson with any questions.
There are four service opportunities happening in the Big 3 Area:
- Sunday, April 6, 12-4pm
- Monday, April 7, 9am – 3pm
- Sunday, April 27, 12-4pm (registration opens later)
- Monday, April 28, 9am – 3pm (registration opens later)