
Make VBS Decorations

Gather your family, small group and friends to work together to create various animals and plants for our Magnified VBS! Adults, teens and elementary-age kids may participate; all elementary-age kids must be accompanied by an adult.

Please plan on giving a minimum of two hours of your time. Signup for your time slot(s). Please contact Rochelle Anderson  with any questions.

There are four service opportunities happening in the Big 3 Area:

  • Sunday, April 6, 12-4pm
  • Monday, April 7, 9am – 3pm
  • Sunday, April 27, 12-4pm (registration opens later)
  • Monday, April 28, 9am – 3pm (registration opens later)
A bumble bee made out of pompoms.
An extra large flower made out of paper attached to a wall.
A beehive made out of brown paper with bees flying around it.