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Nate Keeler - January 21, 2018

Sanctity of Life Sunday

For a Christian, being pro-life means advocating for the dignity and sanctity of human life at every stage, a position that has deep roots in Biblical ethics. Three Biblical truths that shape a Christian's understanding include: 1. God is the giver and author of every human life (Genesis 139:13-16). 2. All humans are sacred and have inherit dignity because we are uniquely made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). 3. We are called to care and advocate for the weak, voiceless and defenseless (Matthew 25:34-40; Proverbs 31:8-9).

From Series: "Sanctity of Life Sunday"

In acknowledgement of Sanctity of Life Sunday, this sermon answers the question, "What does it mean as a Christian to be pro-life?"

Sanctity of Life Sermon Notes     Sanctity of Life Sermon Slides

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Followers of Christ seek to KNOW Him, GROW in Him, and GO into the world with Him.

Message Archives

Nate Keeler - January 21, 2024

In His Image

Secularism sends mixed messages on the value of human life, especially the value of an unborn child. However, our origin story assures the dignity of all human life encompassed in concept of the "imago dei." Discover the implications of being made in the image of God and serving those with special needs as Pastor Nate Keeler presents "In His Image" from Genesis 1:26-27.

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From Series: "Origin Stories, Part 1"

As we kick off the new year we are going all the way back to the beginning. The book of Genesis describes the significance of our Origin Story on Earth. In Part One of this series we will learn how to respond to some of the secular narratives of today in light of God's original design for His creation and humanity. 

In His Image sermon notes

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