
Current Sermon

Nate Keeler - July 15, 2018

Proverbs- Decisions

God helps us to navigate decisions by giving us "buoys" or markers that enable us to make wise decisions and to avoid the wrong path (Proverbs 3:5-6). Five reliable "buoys" are the: 1. foundation of God's revealed will; 2. counsel of the Holy Spirit; 3. tutor of past experience; 4. clarity of time; and, 5. honesty of community.

From Series: "Proverbs: How Not to Ruin Your Life"

The Book of Proverbs provides simplicity in the complexities of life. Through a series of short sayings, King Solomon applies biblical wisdom to the varied themes of everyday life and decisions. This series will help us see that the "Good Life" is achieved when we live in harmony with God's wisdom.

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Followers of Christ seek to KNOW Him, GROW in Him, and GO into the world with Him.

Message Archives

Nate Keeler - September 1, 2019

Summer on the Mount: True Faith Redefined

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount Jesus has been asking "Will you follow me?" This sermon, from Matthew 7:13-27, looks at the broad road vs. the narrow road. It investigates three options: 1. My Way vs God's Way 2. Deceptive Religion vs. Real Relationship (and signs of self-deception) 3. Hearing vs. Doing.

From Series: "Summer on the Mount"

In this most famous sermon of all time, we will learn what life looks like when lived according to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. We will also learn just how just how revolutionary Jesus' teaching was and still is in our culture today. Jesus sets a high bar when it comes to topics like judging others, lust, marriage, false religion, money and how we treat others. While we will never live up to the holy standards set forth in this sermon, Jesus practiced what He preached, fulfilling these standards in our place. Jesus now calls us to live as members of His kingdom so that the world sees Him.

Summer on the Mount - True Faith Redefined sermon notes     Summer on the Mount - True Faith Redefined sermon slides

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Wednesday, Feb. 12 - Church office opening at 10:30am. Brandywine Valley Christian Preschool is closed.