
Current Sermon

Nate Keeler - March 3, 2019

Bold as Lions: The Test

In Daniel Chapter 1, we see that Daniel and his friends, Babylonian captives from Judah, face the challenge of obedience to God versus compromise. Christians today must also wrestle with the question: "Will we conform to the status quo of this world or transform through faith to be used by God." This sermon addresses the pressure we face in this world and the power of God to effect change. We are challenged to be a "thermostat, not a thermometer."

From Series: "Bold as Lions: The Book of Daniel"

This series explores the narrative of the unlikely hero, Daniel. Even though God's people are in exile because of their unrepentance, the God of Abraham, Jacob and Issac has not given up on them. God uses Daniel and his friends to: (1) Embolden us to stand firm in the face of opposition, especially when the deck is stacked against us; (2) Give hope to His representatives that God is still sovereign over the affairs of the world and will strategically place us to be people of influence; and (3) Reveal that God sovereignly uses powerful kings and kingdoms in his cosmic plans to bring justice and His eternal kingdom. Will we be bold as lions and trust in God's sovereign plan through trouble?

Bold As Lions - The Test sermon slides     Bold As Lions - The Test sermon notes

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Nate Keeler - January 15, 2023

Time to be Resilient

Pastor Nate Keeler shares "Time to be Resilient" from Mark 13:9-13. In the end times, Jesus calls us to be resilient disciples who will suffer for the name of Jesus.

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From Series: "Sign of the Times"

When it comes to end times, theories abound. In the midst of the confusion, Jesus provides clarity on what matters, what to look for and how to be ready for the beginning of the end of the age.

Time to be Resilient sermon notes

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Wednesday, Feb. 12 - Church office opening at 10:30am. Brandywine Valley Christian Preschool is closed.