
Current Sermon

Nate Keeler - March 31, 2019

Bold as Lions: The Writing on the Wall

In Daniel chapter 5, we read that King Belshazzar, like his grandfather King Nebuchadnezzar, turns to Daniel to interpret the mysterious writing on the wall that appears during his lavish party. Belshazzar offers Daniel wealth, possessions, power and influence, revealing those things the king considers most significant and valuable. Daniel responds that the king has weighed the wrong things and has come up short. What about us? When God weighs us, what is He measuring? How can we be sure that we will “tip the scales?” The answer lies in humility and trust in Christ’s perfect fulfillment of the law’s requirements.

From Series: "Bold as Lions: The Book of Daniel"

This series explores the narrative of the unlikely hero, Daniel. Even though God's people are in exile because of their unrepentance, the God of Abraham, Jacob and Issac has not given up on them. God uses Daniel and his friends to: (1) Embolden us to stand firm in the face of opposition, especially when the deck is stacked against us; (2) Give hope to His representatives that God is still sovereign over the affairs of the world and will strategically place us to be people of influence; and (3) Reveal that God sovereignly uses powerful kings and kingdoms in his cosmic plans to bring justice and His eternal kingdom. Will we be bold as lions and trust in God's sovereign plan through trouble?

Bold As Lions - The Writing on the Wall sermon notes     Bold As Lions - The Writing on the Wall sermon slides

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Followers of Christ seek to KNOW Him, GROW in Him, and GO into the world with Him.

Message Archives

Matthew McNutt - October 6, 2019

Work as Worship: Don't Worship Work

Although work is clearly important to God, we must not make our occupation an idol; that is, something to which we give too much weight or devotion. The scripture verses in Psalm 127:1-2 and Matthew 6:9-24 provide indicators that our work may be an idol - that our worship is misplaced. One, our work is in vain. Two, our hope is in wealth. Three, our identity is in our occupation. Pastor Matthew provides a simple question to ask ourselves in determining if our work has become an idol. He also gives steps to take if work is an idol.

From Series: "Work as Worship"

Many Christian spend a great deal of time working and yet do not realize how their work intersects with their faith. Scripture makes no division between the sacred and secular parts of our lives. God gives us our work, skills and access to the people we work with so that through them we might worship Him and be a lighthouse for Him. This series will help us see God’s intention for work, how we work for His glory, how we make a kingdom impact through our work, and how to make sure work does not become an idol.

Work as Worship - Don't Worship Work sermon notes     Work as Worship - Don't Worship Work sermon slides

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Tuesday, Feb. 11 - All evening activities are canceled.