
Current Sermon

Nate Keeler - January 29, 2017

Unshakeaable: The Roots of an Unshakeable Faith

Pastor Nate continues the Unshakeable Series, focusing on Colossians 2:1-8. Believers are encouraged (1) to "stick with Jesus" by standing firmly on the foundation of the gospel and (2) to contend for the faith of those who are not solidly rooted in Christ. It is also important to be aware of "counterfeit theologies."

From Series: "Unshakeable"

This sermon series is based on the book of Colossians.

Sermon slides The roots of an unshakeable faith

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Followers of Christ seek to KNOW Him, GROW in Him, and GO into the world with Him.

Message Archives

Nate Keeler - February 19, 2017

Unshakeable: Empty Religion vs. True Spirituality

Preaching from Colossians 2:16-23, Pastor Nate expounds on three ways that empty religion can be hazardous to our spiritual health. In this text the apostle Paul warns against: 1. Empty legalism 2. Empty mysticism 3. Empty asceticism True spirituality is found in "Jesus plus nothing." As Christians, we need only to cultivate our relationship with Christ. We have true freedom in Christ and are recipients of his lavish grace.

From Series: "Unshakeable"

This sermon series is based on the book of Colossians.

Sermon Slides Empty Religion vs True Spirituality     Sermon Note Empty Religion vs True Spirituality

More Messages Associated With "Counterfeit Theology"...

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