
Matthew McNutt - May 20, 2018

Love Vs. Pride

We read in 1 Corinthians 13:4b-5A that love is not boastful, rude or proud. It is easy to recognize these traits in others but difficult to see the sin of pride in our own hearts. Christ-like love is sacrificial; it goes the "second mile." This kind of love calls believers to sacrifice our pride, our desire to be right, for the benefit of someone else.

From Series: "Love Vs."

This sermon series is based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Love Vs. is a play on words, a reference to these biblical verses and a reference to the battle we face against the enemies of love. Topics for this eight-week series are: Love Versus status, hostility, envy, pride, stubbornness, resentment, corruption and abandonment. It is ultimately through our love that the world will know that we belong to Christ.

Love vs Pride Sermon Slides

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