Published: Nov 17, 2019 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” This sermon is based on Roman 3:1-8. Prior to this passage, the apostle Paul has addressed Jewish Christians who insisted that Gentile Christians needed to follow Old Testament practices. Paul asks and answers the questions that he knows the Jewish believers have in mind regarding the purpose of the law, sin and judgment. Ultimately the Old Testament law reveals mankind’s sin and God’s holiness. In this scripture passage, Paul affirms three truths.
First, God’s words are a gift. Second, God is reliable. Third, rationalizing sin is a trap.
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Published: Nov 10, 2019 | Tags:
A message from the series “Church Matters.” Based on the scripture passage Psalm 52:8-9, Pastor Nate reflects on the history and future of Brandywine Valley Baptist Church. This message looks at God’s past faithfulness to our congregation, our present flourishing and our hope for the future. Church leaders present updates for various ministries, and the congregation learns the results of the matching gift campaign to raise funds to pay down the building fund debt.
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Published: Nov 3, 2019 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” In Romans 2:12-29, the apostle Paul illustrates that all of humanity – those without the “law” and those with the “law” – are judged by God. The “law” is God’s divine standard of righteousness, first revealed to the Jewish people and found in the Old Testament scriptures. People who reject God’s law, choosing instead to determine for themselves standards of right and wrong, practice relativism. Those who claim to be righteous because of their security in God’s law practice a form of moralism. Ultimately, both systems of ethics will fail us on judgment day because we cannot live up to our own standards, let alone God’s law. Humanity’s only hope is found in the person of Jesus Christ.
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Published: Oct 27, 2019 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” In Romans chapter 1, the apostle Paul traces the downward spiral of the human race, showing the Gentiles (non-Jews) their immoral lifestyle and guilt before a holy God. In chapter 2:1-11, Paul is dealing with the Jews who saw themselves as better than the Gentiles. Even though Paul is addressing the self-righteous Jews, we can all learn from this. Scripture reveals that God will judge self-righteousness, legalism and hypocrisy. He judges according to the truth, according to our deeds, and according to impartiality. God wants to be our Savior; but if we reject the free gift of eternal life through Christ, we will stand before Him as Judge.
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Published: Oct 20, 2019 | Tags:
A message from the series “Romans Part 1: The Problem.” In Romans 1:18-32, we see that the downward spiral of humanity’s “fall” has resulted in idolatry of all kinds. God’s wrath – that is, His settled, fair and righteous disposition toward sinful humanity – is deserved and revealed. Each of us desperately needs to receive the righteousness of God. Why? Scripture states that we exchange the truth about God for a lie. We exchange the worship of God for worship of idols. We also exchange obedience to God for obedience to our desires. All of humanity stands guilty before our divine judge. Only the gospel has the power to break the fall!
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